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الرئيسية » Biden Urges Swift Action on $95 Billion Foreign Aid Bill

Biden Urges Swift Action on $95 Billion Foreign Aid Bill

In a passionate statement earlier today, President Joe Biden addressed the nation, calling on the House to promptly pass the $95 billion foreign aid bill after it received overwhelming support in the Senate. The bipartisan national security bill, aimed at aiding Ukraine against Putin’s aggression, is now on the House’s agenda. President Biden urged Speaker Johnson to bring it to the floor immediately, emphasizing the critical need for urgent funding to support Ukraine in its defense against Putin’s onslaught.

Global Unity: Message of Trust and Support for Ukraine

President Biden highlighted the global significance of the bipartisan bill, sending a clear message to Ukrainians, partners, and allies worldwide that America can be trusted and relied upon. Emphasizing the unity that was achieved in forming a coalition of nearly 50 nations to support Ukraine, Biden stressed the importance of not walking away now. The President underscored the consequences of failing to support Ukraine at this crucial moment, warning that history will not forget those who oppose the funding.

Military Support: Strengthening American Defense and Economy

President Biden clarified that the bill not only provides military equipment to Ukraine but also supports American jobs and communities. The manufacturing of Patriot missiles, Javelin missiles, and artillery shells in states like Arizona, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas is crucial for replenishing stockpiles. Biden emphasized that this investment in maintaining and strengthening defense manufacturing capacity serves both national security and economic interests.

Middle East Focus: Addressing National Security Priorities

The President pointed out that the bill aligns with national security priorities in the Middle East. It offers increased support for troops defending against militia attacks backed by Iran and provides the necessary resources to protect against terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. Additionally, the bill includes lifesaving humanitarian aid for the Palestinian people in need of basic necessities like food, water, and shelter.

Asia-Pacific Strategy: Addressing Broader Security Challenges

President Biden underscored the importance of not neglecting national security challenges in the Asia-Pacific region, even as focus remains on conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine. The bill allocates critical funding to address security priorities in Asia, emphasizing America’s responsibility as a great nation that the world looks to for leadership.

Rising Stakes: Former President Trump’s Impact on Global Security

Highlighting recent developments, President Biden expressed concern over former President Trump’s statements, which he deemed dangerous and un-American. Trump’s invitation to Putin to invade NATO allies and his transactional approach to alliances were criticized as setting a perilous precedent. Biden emphasized the need to uphold the sacred commitment of NATO and reiterated that if Putin attacks a NATO ally, the United States will defend every inch of NATO’s territory.

Inflection Point in History: A Call for Unity and Decisive Action

In a stirring conclusion, President Biden emphasized the historic significance of the current moment, calling it an inflection point that will shape the nation’s future for decades. He urged House Republicans to stand for freedom, democracy, and decency, emphasizing the importance of unity. Biden warned that history is watching and called on House Republicans to pass the bill immediately, aligning with the bipartisan message sent by the Senate.

Global Leadership: America’s Role in the World

President Biden closed by reiterating the world’s reliance on the United States and the nation’s capacity to act together. He emphasized that the United States must lead with its NATO allies, highlighting the alliance’s fundamental principles of freedom, security, and national sovereignty. The President ended on a patriotic note, expressing confidence in the nation’s ability to act responsibly and decisively on the world stage.

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